27 May 2024 to 12 July 2024
Europe/Rome timezone
The demand for experts in biomedical computing exceeds the availability of newly graduated in this discipline. The RE-TRAIN-ME project aims to provide post-degree training in biomedical computing to people with a master's degree in math, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc. but no specific training in biomedical computing. 
Applicants must submit their application on the dedicated area of this site, including a curriculum vitae in Europass CV format and a motivation letter. 
All candidates will be first evaluated based on the documents provided and some of them will be invited for an interview.
A maximum number of thirty-six (36) applicants will be admitted to the first part of the programme. 
Only half of the participants of the first phase will be selected for the second part of the programme and will receive the programme certificate; the others will receive an attendance certificate. 
For further information (including eligibility conditions, scholarships, involved organizations,...), please refer to the call published at the following link: 